Egg decorating with Washi tape!
March 30, 2013
My little guy Jordan is SO excited about Easter, and the bunny's arrival!
This year we were a little short on time for coloring eggs.
{lots of things going on in my world right now}
After discovering a darling project idea,
I quickly put together a mini party of 1, once I got home from work.
The talented peeps at We heart parties used washi tape to decorate eggs -
Can we say, Genius?!
My little guy LOVES to play with all my rolls of washi, so I knew he'd love this craft.
Step 1 - I made sure to have a good supply of already torn strips of washi tape.
They were perfectly sized for toddler fingers.
I gave my little guy some simple instructions such as:
'Don't drop your egg.'
He really had a great time adding strips of washi tape!
Here's one of his little masterpieces!
Cute, right?
And oh-so-simple!
The best part about this project?
NO mess to clean up, and no stained fingers - for days!