Summer Bucket List | FREE Printable - LAURA'S little PARTY

Summer Bucket List | FREE Printable

May 30, 2017

For as long as I can remember, Summer Break has always been my favorite time of year! I couldn't wait for those longer evenings of playing outside with all the neighborhood kids. We would roller skate and ride bikes for hours! And let's not forget all the endless sleepovers that would happen during the summer. Those were the days! Enter the Summer Bucket List.

Although I work from home and have the luxury of creating my own work hours and schedule, there is no shortage of things I have to get done before I can have some fun! Working from home on a small blogger salary doesn't mean there is an endless amount of funds to go around either. So, with that in mind, I created a list that my kids and I could do together, and that won't break the bank. 

There is no doubt that I want my children to have the same love for those dog days of summer. And I absolutely love the idea of creating lasting memories with my kiddos! My Summer Bucket list is a suggestion of ideas that I thought my family would really enjoy. And since sharing is caring, I wanted to make my list available to you as well! I totally encourage you to add on some of your own great ideas, and feel free to adjust any of the activities that will fit within your own family. Those summer fun possibilities are endless, really! 

I can't wait to hear about ALL the fun you're having this Summer! Click to print a copy of our Summer Bucket List. Happy Summer, everyone!

Pin this to your Summer Fun boards and share it with other fun-loving families! 

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