How to welcome your Super Hero back to school.
August 14, 2018
The time has come! The start of a new school year is here, and with it comes friends, new school supplies, and lots of excitement! See how our school's PTA welcomed all our little "Super Heroes" back to school last year. We're sharing easy ways to get the students to enjoy their first day of school!
{Be on the lookout for this year's back to school entrance! Coming soon!}

Set the morning into action with a bright and colorful Comic Book SuperHero vinyl banner! Our theme this year was Super Heroes and Shindigz had a great selection of products, along with personalized options that are perfect for any school!

Need another great idea for welcoming your Super Heroes? Use Cardboard letters to spell out "Welcome". To help them stand upright, attach wooden dowels or skewer sticks to the back of the letters. The letters worked out great as we lined the sidewalk with Hero Action Sign Cutouts!

Brightly colored balloons will make any celebration special! I created two balloon garlands and attached them to either side of the school's walkway. Balloon garlands are so easy to make with the help of Balloon Decorating Tape and Bright Tone Balloons in colors of red, blue, yellow, green and orange!
Make your tables look fun and festive with a Super Hero Table Cover! We set out a welcome table for our parents, highlighting our school's fundraiser and PTA membership.
Personalized vertical banners are a super easy way to create a decorative message for any event! I whipped up a Super Hero themed banner to welcome families to our school's book fair! Display it with ease with a Vertical Banner Stand.
A Super Hero Celebration isn't complete without awesome Super Capes! All teachers are Super Heroes, so I created a special cape for each of them using iron-on vinyl and a cutting machine. They all loved them and happily wore their capes all day at school!
Even our School's Principal joined in the fun! She greeted our parents and students with a smile and well wishes for a great new school year!
Happy New School Year, everyone!