DIY Creepy plate holder
September 04, 2021Tis the season for bumps in the night, and creepy crawling spiders. Eek!
I created a couple spooky plate holders, for my Hallow's Eve Inspired Party. I think they turned out pretty cool, and wanted to share with you how easy they were to create!
Here are the supplies I used:
Small-Medium grapevine wreath. {I bought the size that would hold a dessert plate.}
Toy snakes
Plastic spiders {optional}
Spray paint {I love using Rustoleum!}
Glue gun.
The first thing I did was figure out where I wanted the snakes to be placed. I did this before adhering them with my glue gun. You can add as many, or as little snakes as you desire. It just depends on the look you're trying to achieve.
I weaved the snakes through some of the wreath's branches.
Then I started gluing on those sneaky snakes.
Bring on the spiders! These creepy guys are optional. I only added a few.
Attach your spiders accordingly.
Once you've attached the desired amount of slithering snakes, and creepy spiders, you're ready to start spray painting!
I chose Rustoleum 2x in gloss black. Of course, you may use any brand spray paint that you're comfortable with.
Before spraying, please make sure you're in a well ventilated area! And you really should wear a mask. I'd have shown you my spiffy mask, buy my hair was not at all presentable... true story!
Start spraying your wreath. You may need to handle it, and turn it so you can get all the hidden branches. Let it dry completely.
Eek! So spooky, right?! I think it looks pretty neat sitting on my new tablecover, from HomeGoods.
So your wreath is dry?? Great! Now you're ready to add your Halloween plates. I chose this cute spider web plate, from Oriental Trading.
Here's a more detailed shot of our creepy plate holder. I love how the plate looks on top of it!
The fun part is, you can add anything you want to your plate. I thought this was a fun way to display these creepy-cool chocolate covered apples, from Bella's Bakery & Bowtique.
Have you checked out our Hallow's Eve Inspired Party Table yet? You can see what else we added on top of our Creepy Crawly Plate Holder...
What will you be putting on your plate?